The Papierolama
It is an endangered species. Most animals reach a shoulder height of approx. 35 cm. Paper llamas come in monochrome or multicolored, except for pure black animals, there are all possible color combinations. Its paper-like appearance makes it so unique.
It is a very frugal animal, apart from a few gentle strokes it needs no further care. However, it does not like rain, snow, high humidity or direct sunlight.
In the event of danger, it remains very still, hoping not to attract attention in today's hectic world, and it is becoming increasingly successful at this, as people today only go through the world with their eyes on their smartphones. Anyone who is quiet and still is no longer noticed. Only those who are loud and waaaaay too busy are registered in the corner of their eye at best. 😊
The wild paper llama is already extinct. There are only a few specimens of the domesticated species left, so breeding is the only chance of survival. You too can help to make this beautiful animal more common again. The aim is for there to be at least 1000 paper llamas in the whole world again.
